The hills of Agamenticus on Memorial Day

Trip Details
Date: May 25th, 2015
Total Distance: 9.3 mi (via Trimble Outdoors Navigator Pro on iPhone 4S)
Total Time: 4 hours
Total Elevation: 1199 ft gained

Two years ago on Memorial Day, I proposed to my wife Cupcake at sunrise on the summit of Mt. Agamenticus. Boomer was there and almost ate the ring. He is a nice guy. We decided to make a tradition of it and hike Mt. Agamenticus on Memorial Day annually and have a picnic at the summit area. Mt. Agamenticus (a.k.a., First Hill or The Big A) was an old ski area in the 60s and 70s, but is now a recreation area with a recently “viewscaped” summit that has views all the way to Mt. Washington on a crystal clear day. On this Memorial Day there was too much haze in the atmosphere so the Ossipee Range, Belknap Range, and Blue Job Mt. were as farthest visible mountains.

We decided to get some more distance and head out to Second and Third Hill, also. We started making our way around the slopes of Mt. Agamenticus and Second Hill. At the bottom of Second Hill we moved quickly to avoid the swarming mosquitos and started the climb up Third Hill. The trails outside Mt. Agamenticus are more backwoods and peaceful as the crowds tend to stay in the vicinity of Mt. Agamenticus.

The base of the old ski lift.

A cairn at the main junction of trails that leads to the summit of Second Hill.

Cupcake and Boomer starting the ascent up Third Hill.
This sign is not correct anymore as trail signs and marking exist past this point.
Summit of Third Hill.
Cupcake rocking her bug net, which came in very handy today.
Third Hill summit
Third Hill summit looking back towards the trail we came up.

After some snacks, we started the descent down the Ledge Trail. I was hoping it would mean some clearings and views, but no the ledges were surrounded by high trees. We then made our way around Third Hill in a hope to avoid the low point we took before climbing up and the mosquitoes. It seemed to work and we started our ascent up Second Hill.

This sign is past the "Trails Unmarked" sign.

Cupcake and Boomer starting the ascent up Second Hill.

Boomer on the summit of Second Hill.
After a few more snacks, we made our way back to Mt. Agamenticus. A few of the trails on the north side of the mountain are old ski trails and involve a steady climb up ledges. We ascended the Sweet Fern Trail, which quickly makes its way to the summit over some of these ledges.

Cupcake and Boomer making their way up the old ski trail.
Another pole of the old ski lift.
We had our picnic, tried to take some photos (Boomer was getting restless), and then made our way back down the mountain and to the car. It was a nice day and the clouds helped to keep the temperature down and make for a fun day out with Cupcake and Boomer.

Boomer wanted nothing to do with this photo.
Top of the old ski lift.
Looking up at the Mt. Agamenticus Learning Center and summit.
Fire Tower and communication towers.
What is visible on a clear day.

Looking out towards the Atlantic Ocean.
Atlantic Ocean
The North Face of the summit and the last remaining trees after the "viewscaping" event.
A new platform on the summit. 
Mt. Agamenticus Learning Center
The summit area.
A new barn that replaced the old horse barn.

I am pretty sure the logging is about two miles off again. 

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